Thursday, November 8, 2012

Why didn't I think of that!

My friend and I were having a discussion yesterday about apps/ideas that are so obvious and useful, and made the creator millions of dollars. Of course, we were trying to think of apps that everyone else would look at and be like, "why didn't I think of that!" No luck, yet. But then today I came across this article about How To Succeed With Your Mobile App. The article has some obvious, and some interesting suggestions. First, an idea. Then, to validate your idea, find a vacuum. "Vacuums are cool because they inherently want to be filled." The examples the article uses of apps that "filled vacuums" are: TweetBot (derived from the Twitter vacuum) and iTranslate Voice (derived from the Siri vacuum). Obviously, not all apps are successful, nor do they make any money, but it's an intriguing niche and I suspect it's going to continue to fuel the world's future billionaires. The article goes into depth about what creating a successful app looks like and the steps that you should follow to get there. Having a great idea isn't enough, you need a great way to execute it as well. Ideas are just the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. It's a lot like what my tennis instructor told me a long time's not enough just to have a good eye on the ball; you need a good, clean, solid, strong follow-through.
